Monday, October 13, 2008


8.0 Appendixes

8.1 Questionnaire

We the Barchelor of Finance, are carrying the study on the “The Impacts of Fuel Prices to the Middle Income Group“ for Bel 422 course. Kindly, please respond to our questionnaire by ticking or circling the answer and we thank you for your cooperation.

1. Gender / Jantina

Male / Lelaki

Female / Perempuan

2. Status

Married / Berkahwin

Single / Bujang

Separate / Bercerai

3. Age / Umur

20 – 29

30 – 39

40 – 49

50 and above

4. Occupation / Pekerjaan

Government's sector / sektor kerajaan

Private sector / sektor swasta

others, please state / lain-lain, sila nyatakan

5. Income per month / Pendapatan untuk sebulan
Below RM 1500

RM 1501 - RM 2500

RM 2501 - RM 3500

Above RM 3500

6. Your cost of living per month / Perbelanjaan kehidupan anda sebulan
Below RM 300

RM 301 - RM 600

RM 601 - RM 900

Above RM 900

7. Do you own any vehicle? If No, proceed to question 9 / adakah anda memiliki kenderaan? Jika Tidak, teruskan ke soalan 9.
Yes / Ya

No / Tidak

8. Types of vehicle you have / Jenis-jenis kenderaan yang anda miliki



Other, please state / Lain-lain, sila nyatakan

9. How many vehicles per household / Jumlah kenderaan untuk satu rumah
One / satu

Two / dua

Three / tiga

Other, please state / Lain-lain, sila nyatakan

10. Cost of fuel per month / Kos penggunaan minyak sebulan
Below RM 100

RM 101 - RM 300

RM 301 - RM 500

Above RM 500

11. Rising of fuel price, will it burden you? / Kenaikan harga minyak, adakah membebankan anda?
Yes / Ya

No / Tidak

Indicate your feeling about the following items circle on the appropriate box / Nyatakan pendapat anda tentang perkara-perkara berikut dengan menandakan di kotak yang bersesuaian .

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree
( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 1 )

12. Rises of fuel price limits your activities / Kenaikan harga minyak menghadkan aktiviti anda
4 3 2 1

13. The existence of NGV can reduce cost of fuel per month/ Kewujudan NGV dapat
mengurangkan kos minyak dalam sebulan.
4 3 2 1

14. Government subsidies can help to reduce burden of fuel rising price / Subsidi kerajaan dapat
membantu mengurangkan beban semasa kenaikan harga minyak

4 3 2 1

15. Distribution of rebate can help reduce burden of rising fuel prices /
Pemberian rebate boleh membantu mengurangkan beban semasa
kenaikan harga minyak
4 3 2 1

16. Price of consumer goods too dependent on fuel price/ Harga barangan keperluan asas terlalu
bergantung kepada harga minyak
4 3 2 1

17. Retailer takes advantage from rising fuel price /
Peniaga mengambil kesempatan terhadap kenaikan harga minyak
4 3 2 1

18. Price of consumer goods increases to high /Harga barangan keperluan asas meningkat
dengan melampau
4 3 2 1

19. In your opinion, is declining of fuel price in the current situation will give impact to you?
Why?Pada pendapat anda, adakah penurunan harga minyak sekarang memberi kesan
kepada anda? Kenapa?

20. In your opinion, what the actions should government take to overcome the problem?
Pada pendapat anda, apakah tindakan yang perlu kerajaan ambil untuk mengatasi
masalah kenaikan harga minyak?

- The End -

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